
結婚式一部始終---Wedding Report III (Thames Cruise)



After our wedding and reception, London was into the perfect twilight time... as it was my father's birthday we organised a unique sightseeing tour of London for a retired Navy man.

180人乗りの貸切り船「OLD LONDON」に乗り込んだのは、わずか30人ほど。
Around 30 of us went on board….on a fairly large boat “Old London”.

1階のダイニングルームは、フランシスはじめ、家族みんなでセッティングしてくれました。2階からは、テムズ川沿いの景色が一望。ロンドンの歴史をさかのぼるように、Old Londonはまず西へ。ゆっくり進んでいきました。
Frances and her family kept ranning around even after our reception and turned this old boat into a nice and cosy dining room downstairs.

Upper deck was our social & sightseeing lounge. Nice and laid back … it was so PERFECT for us!!!

グリニッジ船着場から出発!西へ。  → 

タワーブリッジ → 

HMSベルファースト(古い戦艦)の先でUターン、東へ。 → 
グリニッジ船着場 → 

ミレニアム・ドーム(O2) → 

テムズ・バリア(洪水対策の堤防) → 



From Greenwich Pier, firstly the boat went up the river to the West...into the historical old London City.

The Tower Bridge amazingly opened as if it was specially scheduled for us!

HMS Belfast was one of our main sightseeing spots for my dad... old Navy Admiral.

We turned around and went back down the twilight river towards East---where we can see the modern side of London.

Millennium Dome (O2) in Greenwich

We turned around again just after Thames Barrier and returned to Greenwich Pier.

It was great occasion for us all to get to know each other's family and friends.
More pics of this river cruise are available on Kevin's (URL above) and Emma's (URL listed on my last posting)


結婚式一部始終---Wedding Report II (Reception)



After the ceremony we had an hour to catch up with our families and friends some of whom we haven’t seen for a long time (some of them up to 20 years!).

Wedding breakfast started around 2:30 when everyone started feeling hungry.

The theme colour of our wedding is red and white. That is the colours of both Japanese and England flags.


My sister Maki made all the name tags for each guest. Mini packages of little Japanese sweets are all hand-made by my mum and the students from her doll making class including some American Navy officers's wives. "Arigatoo" to all!!


Luckily we got to eat most of the three course meal, which was all very good---especially thelemon tart which we thought we could have another one (actually Richard stole some of Maki’s)!!


The first speech was made by my dad. Hard enough to be in front of this international (people from England, Scotland, Peru, Thai and Japan!) crowd, but he said everything in English…His effort, funny jokes (“I’m an admiral but of course this isn’t my home!”) and thoughtful words brought tears to all three generations of Pool ladies---Richard’s mum, sister Frances and her daughter Joanne----and made them madly in love with him all in one go! Good effort, father!!


Following Richard-the-groom, introducing one by one of all the guests in the dining hall, thanked all for their love, friendship and their attendance.


Best man Chris made the final speech. His detailed and accurate life story of the groom based on his and his wife Jane’s persistent and conscientious research made everyone understood who this mysterious (or random!) person really is…I almost picked up a pencil and took notes!! Chris concluded quoting a Buddhism script about a candle to describe Richard as a person ---“Richard is like a candle--- wherever he goes and whoever he meets he passes on his kindness and compassion---it is as if warm candlelight spreads out”. To this most touching speech, we both felt so much blessing by a true friend!


Our first job as a married couple, cake cut was the last of our breakfast. Frances organised this beautiful red and white three tier cake. We brought the top tier to Peru so drop by to taste it if you are around!



After the breakfast we had some (actually, quite a few!) photos taken. A bit tired, I stretched stepping outside yawning, “Ahhhhh ....goooooood..........t’s all over now!” ----The person from the venue company standing at the door said; “No, it’s only a start!” and I realised that our long journey only has begun just now.



Stevie, the professional photographer of Richard’s beloved football team “Charlton Athletic” came to take photos.

On such a photogenic site all the photos look fantastic!

Have a look on Stevie’s site: http://www.youralbumonline.co.uk/1678/index.htm
Emma’s photos are fabulous too!!: http://www.flickr.com/gp/30397273@N00/1ZGxxh
Photos taken by Maki&Kumi are available also. Let me know if you’d like to see them!


Next I will upload some pics of our Thames river cruise on our wedding evening. Be ready for a fantastic journey :-)


結婚式一部始終--- wedding report! (ceremony)



Got up at 8:30am. Brilliaaaaaaant!

It's a beautigul day!Richard and I were up until 1:30am organising the seating plan at the last minute (it's typical of us!). Of course I didn’t sleep much-- just three hours. But thanks to Richard’s niece Jo, who was accompanying me since the night before the wedding looking after me very well, I wasn’t too nervous.

It’s a magic! Professional stylist Akemi-chan completely transformed me into a nice and elegant bride!


The groom Richard nervously waits for the bride's arrival with the best man Chris. Will she really turn up???


Chris’s wife Jane drove me to the venue "Admiral's House". At the entrance I almost passed out being so nervous—so did my dad, I bet!

In front of the room a Kumi's embroidered welcome board was displayed. Isn't it beautiful!



The music starts and now into the ceremony hall. Right foot, left foot, right, left...keep breathing, slow down dad... I can't remember exactly what was in my mind!!


Richard also, not knowing what to do, just followed Chris's instruction "now turn left!", saw me and... many people witnessed a slight tear in his eyes.

Richard's big brother David, my big sister Maki and one of my friend from university read some poems for us.
"Repeat after me please... Blah,blah,blah,....blablablablablablah----, now your turn!" Mmm... I guess the registrar was not aware of me being an ESL person....?? her words came far too fast and too much!
"Bla, bla, bla, whatever..." My rather poor performance made people laugh and suddenly it all became very nice and relaxed. It's more us, isn't it?
Our first kiss ever--- well, I mean, in front of our family. It surely was a big experience for a shy Japanese.

Signing in the registration book. We became totally relaxed by then.

Both our mothers signed in as witness.

最後は、お決まりのあの音楽…「タタタターン♪タタタターン♪タタタ・タン・タタタタン・タタタタン・タタタタン・タタタ、ジャーンジャージャジャジャ、ジャ、ジャ、ジャ…♪(結婚行進曲!)」にのって退場。このままハネムーンへ旅立ちたいところだけれど…続いてレセプションです。会場は、階上(ぷぷっ)のAdmiral's Room。
Now we are married couple!! Hurrah!
